Dozer at Munda Gold Project site near Widgiemooltha.

Mineral Mining Services clears the ground for Auric Mining’s Munda Gold Project.

Mineral Mining Services secured a recent contract with Auric Mining for their Munda Gold Project located near Widgiemooltha. 

We were tasked with establishing grade control access and cleaning up the old workings around the pit to prepare for a 380 Hole GC program for the planned stage 1 pit. Using our own 100 tonne float, workforce and dozer we completed the work within budget and a tight timeline.

We’re looking forward to partnering with Auric Mining in 2024 to bring the Munda Pit into production.

For your next mine site services contract reach out to Mineral Mining Services at [email protected] or 1300 546 117 to see how we can help you.